Is german language very difficult to learn?
spring freshness
2007-09-01 00:02:27 UTC
since I am thinking to go and study in there.
Are you german people nice? :)
regards from Mexico.
Elf antworten:
2007-09-01 01:49:39 UTC
As a native speaker I am bound to say that German is quite difficult ot learn, because it shows many pecularities and exceptions in its rules, which very often do not seem logical to foreigners. But as we say in German "all beginning is hard", I think it is possible to manage it, above all if you intend to stay in Germany for a longer period. Germans are not very different from other western people - at the beginning they are a little bit reserved, but once the ice is broken, they can be very open-hearted.

Good luck for your stay in our contry!
2007-09-01 00:50:14 UTC
Compared to English it is more difficult in the beginning and easier once you know the basis. Actually English is partly comprized of German, so many words have the same root. German also has a lot of latin (or greek) origin words, which are alike in English (or Spanish).

Once you learn vocabulary it is wise to learn the gender along with the word, as there is no reasonable rule why we say "der Mond" (male) and "die Sonne" (female) compared to French who use the opposite gender.

Beside this Germany is a nice country with a low criminal rate and friendly but rather distant people (at first).

Im Vergleich zu Englisch ist es schwieriger am Anfang aber einfacher wen man die Basis kann. Eigentlich besteht Englisch sogar teilweise aus Deutsch, also haben viele Worte die gleichen Wurzeln. Es gibt auch viele Worte aus dem Latein (oder Griechischen) die in englisch und spanisch gleich sind.

Wenn Du Vokabeln lernst ist es klug, das Geschlecht gleich mit zu lernen, denn es gibt keinen vernünftigen Grund warum wir sagen "der Mond" (männlich) und "die Sonne" (weiblich) im Vergleich zu französisch, wo das gegensätzliche Geschlecht benutzt wird.

Abgesehen davon ist Deutschland ein nettes Land mit einer niedrigen Kriminalitätsrate und freundlichen, aber (Anfangs) eher distanzierten Leuten.
2007-09-01 00:10:00 UTC
The German language isn`t hard to learn. In my opinion English is much harder to learn. The Germans are very friendly and Germany is a beautiful country. Come and visit us! :-) Best regards
2007-09-01 00:13:21 UTC
German Is Kind Of Difficult To Learn, Yes.

But Not Impossible, So Go Right Ahead.

Good Luck
2007-09-01 05:13:38 UTC
The German language is easy to learn —

for English native speakers...

But some things are very heavy to learn.

Like "ü" and "ä" and so on... and the "ch" in "Ich".

Please, just find out for Your self. And do it.

May be we can communicate in German — in future.

Good luck :

Aaron Moses / Berlin.
2007-09-01 02:31:31 UTC
If you´re willing to learn the german language you can do it. It´s a bit more difficult to understand than english, but not as difficult as for example greek, so have good luck and just try!
Alter Ego
2007-09-01 00:15:40 UTC
my husband says, yes, it is, but it is an intelligent and logical language and so he is willing to learn it.
anatomie bousculaire
2007-09-01 15:13:45 UTC
From what I can tell (my mother tongue is French but I moved to Germany when I was 11), it's an *ok* language to learn. More difficult than English and all Romance languages (at least for people who already speak a Romance language like Spanish, French or Italian) but easier than Finnish or Chinese lol. If you plan to study here and aren't too bad at learning languages, there shouldn't be a big problem. If I were you, I'd just give it a try:-)

Most Germans are very forgiving about grammar mistakes and such and are (though they may seem very reserved at first) pretty nice people in general, too;-)
2007-09-01 05:56:01 UTC
olá vizinho mexicano, saudações do brasil. como germano-brasileiro digo que a lingua alemã é mais facil q a espanhola ou portuguesa. exemplo: sapato e luva , em alemão voce diz schuh.a luva é handschuh ou traduzindo sapato de mão.imagina o que é "entrada "há muitos significados . aqui no brasil voce diz entrada fria(restaurante) ou de cinema, ou batida de carro, ou uma passagem num terreno ou...é uma lingua de milhares de anos.cumprimentos de blumenau. werner henrique tönjes
garry s
2007-09-01 03:51:25 UTC
iam English and live and work in Germany. the language is prety simple to master but writing and spelling can cause a few problems.
2007-09-01 13:29:47 UTC
My native language is german and I think it's pretty hard to learn. You can't tell if something's male, female or neutrum if you don't know. You don't use the same tense with writing and speaking and some irregular verbs are even for natives hard to remember. On the other hand, there are many similar words and parts of the grammar are similar too. I don't think it's much more difficult to learn than French or something, but English is easier.

I can't say if the german people are nice, I'm from Austria. It's like everywhere else, there are nice ones and there are mean ones. You'll meet both.

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