German question, please, help.?
2010-09-05 12:47:53 UTC
German question, please, help.?
What are the options to refer to the hour


Halber bis mitternacht? Halb bis mitternacht? Halb mitternacht? Halb null? Halb vierundzwanzig?

What are the formal and correct ways?
What are the colloquial and informal ways?
What would a german person answer?

Guys, where could I learn more about how to say the hours in german? I find this subject so difficult, it's my first month studying German and i'm already thinkin' of giving up, please, is there any site, video or audio that could explain everytghing about the hours, not only the basic ones. Is there anyone here who speaks german fluently that oculd help me out with it. My msn is
Vier antworten:
2010-09-07 08:31:40 UTC
Entweder "halb zwölf" oder "elf Uhr dreißig".

2010-09-09 02:30:46 UTC
es heißt halb zwölf oder dreiundzwanzig uhr dreißig.
2010-09-06 23:37:58 UTC
midnight (Mitternacht) is usually standing alone, the same as noon

there os no midnight and thirty or noon thirty or something like that.

there is

23.30 (formal)

11.30 p.m. or nachts (= in the night) formal

halb 12 nachts (informal)

Plse. get in touch with me at - I will be pleased to provide you with some more informations about the matter of German hours.

2010-09-07 19:00:10 UTC
halb zwölf Uhr nachts

official: 23 Uhr 30

you could contact me on skype: veenlaany

your mother-tongue is English?

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