How can(konnen) i (ich) learn (learne) germany (deutch) language?
Firstname L
2010-01-31 01:59:31 UTC
Im confused by the ein ,eine , einen (ich hasse keine clue) have no clue where to use them ?
Fünf antworten:
2010-01-31 19:37:46 UTC
They're all variations of the German word for a/an.

If you've got a subject (as in the sentence "A cat sat on the mat"), then you use ein for masculine and neuter nouns and eine for feminine nouns (in this case "Eine Katze . . .", since Katze is feminine).

Other variations are einem (for indirect objects that are masculine or neuter), einen (for direct objects that are masculine), eines (for possessives that are masculine or neuter) and einer (for indirect objects or possessives that are feminine).

By the way, Germans will explain these using the terms nominative, dative, genitive, and accusitive. These for terms are roughly equivalent to subject, indirect object, possessive, and direct object, respectively.

BTW, I'm an American who's been living in Germany for 15 years and I still stumble over this stuff -- it's hard to memorize the genders of all the nouns.
Shawn W
2010-01-31 20:07:57 UTC
You should re-post your question to Yahoo!Answers since it's all in English. If you want to post a question like this in Yahoo!Clever, you must do it in German.

Good luck!
Ben Scott
2010-01-31 10:18:32 UTC
you are right, it is a little bit complicated.

first you have to understand the 3 articles, and then the german fälle. they are used with clue-words. detect the clue-words and use the fälle with the corresponding articles.

good luck
Politically Incorrect
2010-01-31 10:23:10 UTC
unbestimmte Artikel:


ein - männlich

ein - sachlich

eine - weiblich


eines - männlich

eines - sachlich

einer - weiblich


einem - männlich

einem - sachlich

einer - weiblich


einen - männlich

ein - sachlich

eine - weiblich
2010-01-31 10:21:04 UTC
My english is not perfekt but I`m german.

"ein" you say for one thing or person

"eine" you use for one feminin person or thing

"einen" you use for one masculin person or thing.

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